Monday, February 11, 2013

Embrace the drool

One thing everybody knows about Newfoundlands is that they drool. There is no way around this fact. I can't count the number of times someone has commented on how perfect the breed is... except for the drool. I usually laugh and nod my head in agreement, but it's made me realize something. I don't mind the drool anymore, and I no longer consider it a "flaw". Sure, it isn't fun arriving at work and noticing that my slacks are covered in crusty drool. Seeing the splatters of dried drool, usually mixed with some fur, all over the walls of our house can be kind of gross too. Watching the streams of slime hang down their jowls while they beg for food can hinder any human appetite. And it definitely isn't my favorite when one of the Newfies comes over and lays his head in my lap right after he's done gulping toilet water. Yet however messy the drool can be, it consistently provides one thing: laughter. Who can look at a happy, drool-covered Newfie face and not smile? I dare anyone to try. 


  1. We must always embrace the drool! Love the wrap-around alobber-that's one of my favorites!

    Thanks for joining the hop today, it's great to see another gorgeous Newfie face!

    1. It's a toss-up between the frozen strands of drool that form while we're outside, or the wrap around globs that are created when they shake their heads after drinking.

      Love keeping up with your handsome boys as well!

  2. I'm with you! What's a little drool among friends! (And besides,no one complains when it's a teething toddler!) :)

  3. I think we come to embrace the challenges of the breeds we love. I don't own anything that isn't covered in Sheltie hair. The minute it is cleaned the dogs take it as personal rejection and make sure the offending item is resheltied. Strangers notice, but I must confess I brush the dogs, I vacuum, but it doesn't bother me the way it did in the beginning. I just accept I will have hair on my clothing, etc.

    1. Yes, in addition to the drool we also combat the endless shedding. Our carpet and clothing are always covered in tufts of hair, despite our constant attempts with the vacuum and lint rollers. Oh, and can't forget the dog hairs I often discover in the coffee I'm sipping!

  4. If drool was the worst thing a dog mom ever had to deal with she'd be doing OK...You're right about those smiling droooly faces...They always bring a smile

  5. Hello Priscilla I enjoy reading about your Newfies. My Newfie was small like your Thacher. His name was Shadow and He didn't drool a lot. I miss him a lot. I will hang out definitely in here! :)

    1. Well you must have gotten lucky with Shadow - Thatcher makes up for his small size in huge amounts of drool! Thanks for visiting!

  6. We have one drooler that could put the Newfs to shame so I know exactly what you are talking

    1. Yikes, a dog that drools more than a Newf? I can only imagine the messes that must create. ;)

  7. Well you made me smile!! :)

    Enjoy the drool,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  8. My Newfie was tight lipped so didn't drool too much,but he still got a drool string over his nose like the picture when he got excited. As well as he would drool extra at the veterinarian over stress,leaving puddles behind.
    Unless I`m eating,seeing a drool covered face is kinda cute. I`ll take a photo then wipe it away with my bare hand.
    He was either a Mix or a off bred Newfoundland I don't really know.
